Photo Archive

All of us at Stage One 2000 have a massive collection of memorabilia, photographs and bits & bobs from all the shows that we've produced. We'd like to share some of that collection with you here - hope you enjoy it!

*  Babes In Arms (1990)  *

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* Main cast from 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe' (1993) *

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* Programme pages from 'Once Upon A Time' (1994) *

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* Our young cast rehearsing circus skills for 'Barnum' (1998)

* An incredible performance to rival any West End production - the cast of 'Barnum' (1998) *

* Programme pages from 'Barnum' (1998) *

* NODA review for 'Barnum' (1998) * 

* 'Barnum' - reprised for 'Millennium Bandwagon' (2000) *

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* Programme pages for 'Crazy For You' (1999) * 

 * Luke Gibbard and Melanie Foster pose for a publicity shot for 'Crazy For You' (1999) along
with some of our dancers in stunning costumes!  *

 *  Backstage at the Floral Pavilion Theatre - the cast of 'Crazy For You' (1999) *

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* Programme pages for 'HONK!' (2001) *

* Philip Connolly playing 'Ugly' and Luke Gibbard as 'Bullfrog'. Luke played P.T. Barnum back in 1998 and directed 'HONK!' in 2001 *

* Our incredibly talented and AWARD WINNING cast of 'HONK!' (2001) *

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* Programme cover for 'The Slipper And The Rose' - The Pacific Road Centre (2002) *

 * Programme pages from 'The Slipper And The Rose' (2002) *

* You SHALL go to the ball Cinderella! Coach and horses in 'The Slipper And The Rose' (2002) *

* The company performing 'The Slipper And The Rose' (2002) *

*Our delightful 'Fairy Godmother' with Sparkle and friend! 'The Slipper And The Rose' (2002) *

* Still so much missed to this day. Remembered with great love *

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Keep coming back - we still have more to show you here!


  1. these pictures are very interesting and you obviously have a very professional outlook , I look forward to seeing more of your archive ... best of luck

    1. Lots more photos to come ,we have performed so many shows over the last thirty years . If any ex-members have any photos please get in touch we would love to see them or put them on the Stage One Talking page Thanks xx
