Sunday 8 December 2013

We're Raising Funds ..!

We've had some splendid support this year from friends and families, helping us collect the 'WISH' tokens to send away to the Liverpool Echo. The final count is just around the corner, and I'll be able to let you know just how many we've been able to hoard - exciting eh?

In the meantime, I'd LOVE to thank all the lovely, gorgeous, fabulous and amazing people who've collected - all of you .....yes, ALL of you! You're ALL incredible! xxx

We've also had some help from Morrisons in Seacombe, who have kindly agreed to host a fund-raising bag-pack in their wonderful superstore - details of that to come. Thank you Morrisons! After all the floods we've had this week, thanks to a HUGE Atlantic storm, we wish everyone at Morrisons - especially the New Brighton branch - all the best in the world - and good luck for the clean-up after the deluge. If you want to see the storm, just get a  load of this wave -

Now that's what I CALL a wave!

We're also hosting one of our OWN fund-raisers on 22nd December - a swap-meet and fabulous party for our members, their families and friends, including yummy food, a superb raffle with great prizes, and lots more besides.  Entry is just £3 and for that, there'll be vouchers for a free drink and a free treat, the chance to win cool stuff, and the swap-meet itself, which is great way to treat yourself or loved ones at this festive time of year.  Here's the flyer we handed out today:

All items brought to the swap have to be in full working order - no broken bits or nasty scratches - so that they can be given as gifts.

We've also received some wonderful donations from businesses so that there will be extra items for the kids and parents to choose from. Anything left over will be sold to raise funds or donated to worthy charities. 

A swap-meet works in almost any situation and is a great fund-raiser (especially when money's tight), allowing EVERYONE to benefit and have a really wonderful time in the process. I know our members will support us fully and participate to the full, and go home with full tummies, arms full of cool stuff and a happy smile on their faces. I'll let you know how it goes!

Remember - you can leave a comment or email us, and if you'd like to help with a donation please let me know.  Now wrap up toasty warm and snuggle down for a lovely Sunday evening and I'll see you soon! xxx

1 comment:

  1. INTERESTING POST. What a lively bunch you seem to be !!! I hope you do well with your fundraising ... if I ever win the lottery .... ! I look forward to your news as it happens .
